Dudemancy Power Rankings
Source Shard/Grimorium Verum/Quislet

Sorcery (w/Offering)
Mental (w/Mass Hysteria w/o Invis)
Ice (w/Snow Devil)
Gadgets (w/Supressor & Stealth)

These powers have have native pets that benefit from PIs, or in the case of Ice multiple pets + RS.
Fire, Atomic, Nature, Munitions, Electric, Quantum

These powers have strong PI interactions that can work with limited ability bar real estate and strong native SC.
Hard Light, Rage

HL will require a Grim at 200 in order to avoid constant power issues with RS. Rage being melee and needing as many abilities as they can get will be inefficient since Dudemancy favors ranged builds.
Celestial, Water

Heavy combos and complex power interactions that push players to use their ability bars to their max. Suboptimal and doesn't play into the Powers' strengths.

You'd think Earth would be stronger, but Crystal is just too slow. Add all the reasons for C-Tier and B-Tier apply to Earth as well, it means that more often than not Godwave is just not utilized, and too much time is spent amping up a pet that doesn't payoff.
I'll be making a more comprehensive video about this.. eventually (its on the list). If you have feedback, please attach it to the relevant post in the thread, and I'll be sure to include it in the video.
You can follow @DookieJenkins3.
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