i’m not apologizing for that white trans tweet. i’ve faced heavy racism and discrimination from white trans people especially in the trans community that favors white experiences over black and brown ones despite us making the fucking community from the ground up.
if you’re not a racist white trans person, good! that tweet wasn’t meant for you! but i, along with many other black and brown trans people, are allowed to talk about our experiences and frustration with white people that intersect in our respective minority groups.
you as a white lgbt+ person are NOT excluded from racism because you are queer. i do not give a FUCK. i’m allowed to be angry. i’m allowed to be hurt. i’m allowed to be upset. i’m allowed to be frustrated. i’m allowed to fucking express these emotions.
finding out i was trans was the best thing that’s ever happened to me but when i joined these internet circles i realized how fucking BLACK i was. i couldn’t put my hair in a ponytail and a beanie. i couldn’t use the eurocentric male contouring makeup tips. i couldn’t do them.
i wished for fucking years i was a white trans boy so i couldn’t have to deal with being black in a space that had ZERO people that had my skin color, had a nose like me, had lips like me, had hair like me. i had to get help from black lesbians and studs -
instead of the white transmascs who were supposed to be my “allies.” who were supposed to be my “friends.” i know me and many other black and brown ppl, trans or not, in the lgbt+ community are fucking angry at the ignorance of white people in this space.
and i was the one who finally could speak about it. call me transphobic if you want but don’t tell me how to feel about the white people in my community just because we got the same top scars or shit like that. let black people be angry. i’m not apologizing
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