In broad (and maybe not final brushstrokes): agreement says sides keep their positions as of today; Agdam to go back to AZ by 20 November; Kelbajar to be returned to AZ by 15 November; Lachin by 1 December, with exception of a 5-km corridor, not touching Shusha.
2000 Russian PKF to be deployed along Lachin corridor, on a renewable 5-year basis; AZ guarantees freedom of movement along this corridor; within former NKAO line of separation where forces stand as of today.
IDPs and refugees have the right of return to NK and surrounding regions; all blockades to be lifted and and transport links between Nakhichevan and AZ to be guaranteed by ARM, regulated by Russian border service.
New routes/highways to be constructed connecting Nakhichevan and western regions of AZ via southern Armenia.
Not mentioned: Turkey, status of Karabakh (this would actually reflect original 10 October ceasefire document stipulating no format changes).
Russia gets boots on the ground in Armenia and a truncated NK; AZ restores sovereignty over 7 districts + Shusha/Hadrut and sees IDPs return; Turkey gets east-west connectivity. Regionalisation displaces multilateral diplomacy.
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