1/ Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health says if all of the public health protocols are followed diligently, the entire province can be in the "green" zone in 3-4 weeks.

This crap has gotten to the point where people's lives will be endangered.
2/ He is showing a complete lack of understanding of the most basic principles of epidemiology and this is the guy that has Ford's ear? It's reckless, misinformed and people will die because of this.
3/ Why the hell are we allowing COVID to spread with next to zero mitigation measures in place? Why are some of the doctors I respect the most having to resort to literally begging on Twitter for answers from this government?
We know where this is headed, we know how to contain
4/ it, and we're just sitting on the beach watching a tsunami come in and thinking "wow, big wave dude".
Even the MOHs are bewildered and confused by this DISASTER of a "plan" and how it affects their HU, so they're being forced to take ANY action they can because the Ford
5/ government won't do a damned thing.
The frustration is just unbelievable. Ford's out doing his daily rally throwing a billion here, a billion there, blind to the FACT that if you control the virus the economy will recover. It's the quickest, cheapest and ONLY way it will.
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