Everyone is raving about Biden-Harris COVID-19 task force
While I agree it has many respected names in medicine, it seems short in two areas: communication & actual scientists w/ ID epi experience. I hope more will be added.
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Many on list are widely known high-level public health officials, including:
former surgeon general @vivek_murthy
former FDA head David Kessler
Many are policy people:
Marcella Nunez-Smith who specializes in health equity
Loyce Pace
Michael Osterholm
Julie Morita
Team has many doctors (MDs), but most don't have much epidemiology experience (if any) & most don't have infectious disease experience. Expertise in surgery & oncology are not most important skills in fighting pandemic. Patient care more useful.
These are all good people to have & administrators/policy people are helpful for administrating a huge task force, but team is missing on the ground knowledge of what is driving transmission & how to stop it via communication.
I think we need people who have direct experience working on COVID-19 epidemiology like @mlipsitch . A more junior but also stellar person would be @JustinLessler. They might not want to serve on this task force, but they would add enormously if they'd agree to do it.
In terms of communication I would have liked to see someone like @JuliaLMarcus who could greatly help w/ communication which is key to implementing many strategies to reduce transmission.
I hope there is a plan to add actual scientists doing on the ground COVID work to this task force. If not, there will continue to be a big gap between science & policy.
Would love to hear from @MackayIM or @joel_c_miller in Australia on who was instrumental in success in fighting COVID & who we should recruit to help direct our efforts.
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