Okay, we've seen bad takes whenever this gets brought up but I still have the urge to make a thread with playing around with this topic

So introducing: Who should Jason Todd kiss?
Disclaimer: This will discuss various concepts/types of characters who I wouldn't mind Jason kissing. This will not mention any actually characters (other than Jason) by name in a romantic context.
Disclaimer cont: When it comes to Jason, I have no actual strong leaning towards any of his current romantic options. As long as it doesn't feature a questionable age gap, incest or would be pretty OOC given the other characters' type in s/o (like, personality wise)-
Disclaimer cont cont:- and the s/o isn't better connected to one of his brothers or some other character, you could probably convince me to support it

Okay now let's begin the thread
Now, some of you, mostly bc you see the drama every few days, wonder why does Jason Todd + women = disaster 99% of the time?

My theory is: DC writers rushing to create something iconic
Let me explain: Being able to add to a comic character in a way that affects them for decades, for better or worse, is every comic writers' dream

And one thing our society loves is a compelling love story
Like, think about Jason's family, we got Brutalia, BatCat, DickKory, DickBabs, TimSteph, TimKon-

Jason, who has been a loner since he returned, sticks out like a sore thumb in that regard.
Jason, doesn't even have his own friend group or team bc DC is still figuring out how to make the Outlaws click, and is still trying to figure out how Jason should fit into the universe, and who he would/should befriend
So like, to a regular writer who probably isn't considering that he should have his own consistent friend group first or wants to rush through "healing" him off all of the trauma that made him put on the hood in the first place-
trying to give him an iconic romance seems like the best way to make a long lasting impact

But like it hasn't worked yet
Since UtRH, most additions to Jason's character kinda just wash off of him the second the writer is done. Nothing Morrison did to him stuck, nothing that Simone did to him stuck, and Lobdell's stuff barely made it out of the book (and will probably be all washed off)
Winick had the most impact out of like, all of them
And like, non of Jason's romantic options have become more than rarepairs. The largest is just over 1300 fics, which isn't that big compared to the others?
Especially bc it'll probably taper off like all of the others bc I doubt DC will let those two interact again given the whole rejection by most fans

& the most recent ship thing to happen to him only has around 70 fics, and the one most present in Rebirth is barely over 100
And also, it isn't clear what kind of person (I say person bc according to Winick Jason is either bi or ace and after all of these failures with women Jason should definitely be allowed to kiss a guy) Jason would even want to date
Like, he has no friends. Since his comeback he's shown to have no desire to do anything beyond "be the Red Hood", and has no civilian identity since his death.

So like, who would Jason want to date?
A civilian? A hero? A straight-laced character who despite wanting him to be better, or knowing that he's dangerous can't help but be attracted to him? Or a rebel even more dangerous than him that causes him to question his own morals as he falls deeper in love? An equal?
A childhood friend? Someone in over their head? Someone more experienced? Someone even less experienced?

Like, by Jason Todd's own admission, love isn't his forte. After spending so much time being angry and wanting revenge, he's ignored the social aspect of his life for years
And since the Red Hood will be given a new writer and solo in March, I feel like these questions will come up again given our society and how some fans keep pushing for him to finally get romance that can become more than a rarepair
And personally I want it to be with another man but maybe a writer will finally convince me that Jason Todd could actually work with a women
Okay so this is quite a departure from what I wanted the original thread to be but I swear I will eventually start using this thread to list actual character concepts
Okay, so first off given the Jason's brothers (Dick & Tim) most popular ships go Human/Alien, Human/Human, I personally want one of Jason's ships to be Magic/Human for variety's sake
Then: Brunettes (or characters with black hair)

Look, I don't like "Dick likes Redheads and Tim like Blondes" bc I find it reductive, but since those will probably stick, Jason shouldn't be Dick 2.0 and pick a different hair color
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