Wow. There was a moment on Saturday when I actually thought "But... what will my life be like, without things happening every single day that make me so incandescently furious that I want to eat my own head? Will I cope?"

I underestimated you, @GOP. You've got my back. FUCKERS.
And of course there's not point asking these assholes for trivia like "evidence", because — as the COVID debacle makes clear — they reject any kind of evidence-based approach, like "science". This is gaslighting. This (and I know it's an over-used word, but) is aspiring fascism.
"We just want every legal vote to be counted"??? Yeah, we ALL DO. Because each one makes Biden's win more clear.

Meanwhile, we just want Mitch McConnell to conclusively deny that he eats hamsters. What's that? He has *no evidence* of not eating hamsters???

I know there is literally no evidence that Donald Trump Jr. sneaks out of the house at night, naked but for a stetson and a tutu, and dances in the street. But democracy is at stake and until he can prove it never happened, the American people have a right to ask these questions.
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