Sorry, you mean watch a video in which someone *laughs'* at the fact farming Falahi communities live in tents? Or conveniently ignores the history of the Palestinian communities living in the West Bank?
Or perhaps despite attempting to make a factual video somehow doesn't know that that Firing Zone 903 was established on 800,000 dunams of land on which Palestinians regularly farmed?
Or selectively puts up images to prove his point when there are plenty of others that make it perfectly clear that the Falahi community existed in the area long before a Firing Zone.
Or doesn't understand (or perhaps care) that Israel rejects 98% of building permits for Palestinians living in Area C of the West Bank whilst connecting settlement outposts that are considered illegal under Israeli law to electricity, water and the postal service?
Or somehow finds it OK that 74 people were made homeless? Or manages to *only* mention the black Muslim refugee congress woman for condemning Israel's actions when western governments, including the UK, have done so loud and clearly?
No it's ok thanks, funnily enough I am not remotely interested in taking a lesson from any of you.
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