🚨 @TeamTrump filed lawsuit in Pennsylvania. Key points:

➡️682,479 mail-in allots without review by political parties
➡️Dem-majority counties provided no meaningful access or actual opportunity to review mail-in ballots
➡️Dem-heavy counties violated mandates of Election Code
➡️Dem-heavy counties engaged in pre-canvass activities prior to Nov 3, 2020 to notify voters to allow them to cure ballot deficiencies by voting provisionally on Election Day or getting a replacement ballot.
➡️GOP-heavy counties followed the rule of law, unable to cure ballots.
➡️Dems egregious conduct, evidenced by sworn statements, is misconduct including ignoring legislative mandates concerning mail-in ballots which amounted to more than 2.6M of the approx 6.75M votes in PA.
➡️PA officials also mailing second unsolicited mail-in ballots to voters
Conclusion: Pennsylvania is irredeemably compromised.

Team Trump asking for an order prohibiting certification of results.
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