So here’s the real issue

I’m trying to look through information and data and determine what’s accurate what is not but there’s a big problem

100% of the data that is being put out there about the elections is from the right

Big problem

If the left and MSM continue to ignore this story what is going to happen is you’re going to have a radicalized 50% of the country who are tuning in to what’s happening with the voter fraud and only seeing one side

I can tell you that there are REAL ISSUES which explaining

Maybe there are valid explanations for some of the anomalies that we are seeing

But so long as one side chooses to completely ignore the possibility of fraud in the election the other side will 100% believe everything being said by anybody

Imagine what happens when half the country is 99% sure that the election was stolen and stolen badly

What do you think those people are going to do?

How will they react?

Personally I have no idea but the thought scares me

I keep warning about this

Unfortunately if you have any analytical capacity and an understanding of history you get an idea of what is coming and it’s not good

There is a lot of anger and these people may not be willing to go “gentle into that good night”

Not to mention the radicalization of the far right which is currently occurring

Right now, this second

It’s happening

There is no historical precedent of this not happening

It’s one thing to have a few thousand, it’s entirely something else when that number gets really big

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