all relationships exist on a spectrum. the difference between healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships: a thread ⬇️
healthy relationships: if BOTH partners have communication, honesty, respect, consent, trust, equality, personal space, and maintain family/friend relationships.
unhealthy relationships: if JUST ONE partner is not communicating, dishonest, disrespecting boundaries, feeling smothered/pressured, jealous, or neglecting other relationships.
abusive relationships: if JUST ONE partner is communicating abusively, gaslighting, shifting blame, physically or verbally abusive, not allowed personal space, forced/coerced into sex, or isolated.
if you recognize any of these unhealthy or abusive behaviors in your own relationship, that may be a sign that the relationship needs to end or change.
OU Advocates is available 24/7/365 to provide support for community members experiencing dating or domestic violence. give us a call at 405-615-0013 to create a safety plan, and/or discuss your options
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