THREAD: I love the United States of America. I've lived there, travelled there, have many friends there

From New York to Seattle, Washington, DC to California, Virginia to Wyoming,Boston to Oregon, Baltimore to Texas, Alabama & Florida to New Hampshire, I've been there & love it
I have US friends who are Republicans & friends who are Democrats, friends who are Evangelicals, friends who are Catholics, friends who are atheists, friends who are Muslims & Buddhists, friends who are gay, friends who are straight, friends who love wine & who are tee-totallers
From all of them, without exception, I've met nothing but generosity, love, hospitality, commitment to freedom, human rights & peace around the world

Those motivated by faith & those motivated by humanity, by conservatism or liberalism, I have common cause with them for freedom
So I say to them all, for the good of the world: we look to you now, again, for leadership

We look to you to exemplify the best of democracy, not the worst.

We look to you to play to your strengths, your better angels, as a nation, not to your demons.

We look to you for hope.
I'm a Christian & yes, I'm a Conservative, in Britain.

The antics of some who speak in the name of Christianity in America right now make me feel deep, deep embarrassment & shame

The behaviour of some who speak in the name of Conservatism in America right now make me ashamed
I'd say to everyone in America who calls themselves a Christian this:

Jesus preached love, not hate

Jesus preached forgiveness, hope and help

Jesus didn't carry a gun

Jesus didn't file a law suit

Jesus wasn't a Republican or a Democrat
And I'd say this to every American conservative/Republican:

Ronald Reagan spoke of hope, not hate

He tore down walls, he didn't build them

John McCain spoke of freedom and democracy, and when he lost democratically he lost graciously

Abraham Lincoln set slaves free
Of course - of course - if there are genuine irregularities in the electoral system they must be called out, challenged, exposed and resolved

I don't disagree with President Trump challenging the results if he has grounds to do so. Indeed he should.

But only if there's evidence
It's vital for the good of democracy - in America & across the free world - that US election results are credible

If there's grounds for challenge, let that challenge be addressed

If not, stop undermining the constitution with false claims

Either way, let this be resolved soon
Let all Americans return to what they're best at - loving, championing freedom, opening their hearts with generosity, being a beacon of hope

Let Christians remember what Jesus did

Let Republicans remember what Reagan or Lincoln stood for

Let Americans remember America
As a Brit, regardless of faith or politics, I look to America, Democrat or Republican, to be once again the leader of the free world

We'll fight alongside you, as we did when Churchill & Roosevelt stood together, when Thatcher & Reagan worked together

We're your best friends
And finally: let us remember that our enemy is not each other.

Our enemy is those who oppose, repress and attempt to destroy freedom.

Every dictator in the world, especially the Chinese Communist Party.

So let's stand together for freedom and against tyranny - everywhere.
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