💗Taylor Swift’s chart explained through her songs from the album 1989. 💗
* I only picked 7 songs because it was getting repetitive!
** This birth chart is the most reliable one I could find, but there are alternative birth times on the internet.
This is ~ my ~ take (:
Blank space
She has a dreamy, glamorous look to her, like a movie star or a princess in a fairytale. That’s what Neptune’s about; deception, illusion. 8th house ruler (Sun) in the 12th = actually a very private person with many secrets and a secluded life.
Wildest Dreams
Neptune Conj. Mercury means easily lost in her head, thoughts, memories. Cancer Moon and Chiron in the 7th house makes her quite nostalgic, nurturing yet resentful when her partner hurts her (opposite Saturn: painful reality checks, lessons from relationships)
Bad blood
11th house: friendships and communities, groups. Pluto and Mars both here in Scorpio could mean distrustful friendships, conflicts, jealousy and power struggles. She was also the ‘leader’ of her ‘girl squad’.
I Know Places
(As explained 8H ruler Sun in the 12th = private, secluded life) Scorpio Mars; desires a private, lustful partner. 7th house ruler in the 12th house further emphasizes a liking for secret love affairs. She enjoys the hiding and running away...
Though she has a quite rational mind (Cap Mercury) she does have a 7th house Jupiter - also the dispositor of her Sun, which makes her quite idealistic & optimistic in relationships. Not to forget the dispositor of her Aqua Venus (Saturn) is Conj Neptune (= wonderland)
New Romantics
Modern lovers: Aquarius is about all about the unconventional and new. 2nd house: values, (material) possessions. “free” can have both a literal and methaporical meaning here; Aquarius Venus wants their freedom, so does Sagittarius Sun. ‘Love has no price’ *
* Extra info: Source: Genius.
Fixed Venus and Mars can make it really hard for her to move on & accept change, often getting her stuck in the past. On top of this, Cancer Moon finds it hard to move on from what’s familiar and comforting, can make homes out of emotional attachments to people.
I hope you enjoyed this brief thread. I wanted to make a thread on Taylor for so long, and I finally decided to sit my butt down and just do it. Your feedback and support are appreciated !
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