What do we mean when we call Joe Biden a fascist? That he is more than just a creepy old white man? Are we being petulant and hyperbolic? First we must define what a fascist is. A fascist can be many things but above all it is anti-communist and counter-revolutionary.
This is because fascism is the compulsion of capital to protect itself in its current arrangement; it is the fighting formation of the bourgeoisie. The current arrangement of capitalism, of the ownership by the bourgeoisie of the means of production, is maintained by...
the settler-colony government of the US and its white supremacist policies. The settler-colony requires groups of hyper-exploited colonized people to maintain the profits of its ruling class and land-thieves, and enforces policies that give monstrous material advantages to...
the quasi-class of the so-called white “race." Within this framework we understand that a person who upholds the continuity of the violent and imperial US settler-colony, through policies of segregation and criminalization, might be a fascist. But let’s examine his record.
Joe Biden has spent his entire career working to make law enforcement more effective at locking up Black people. He worked with literal segregationists while in Congress, and the culmination of that career was the 1994 Crime Bill passed under President Bill Clinton.
Biden upheld the interests of his white constituents through the strengthening of racist policing. Despite his claims to the contrary, Biden’s stances have not changed. His version of reformed policing is "nonlethal" force and prison education instead of reducing their numbers.
Biden’s crime bill gave renewed life to the settler-colonial prison industrial complex, continuing the long line of oppression from slavery through the Jim Crow era. The crime bill targeted Black people, created more prisons to hold them, and kept them in prison longer.
The result was an accumulation of white supremacist power and its continuation through the start of the new century. We can also see Biden’s oppression of colonized people in his Covid policy. Biden has proudly stated that he wants to “shut down Covid, not the country.”
Covid has disproportionately hurt Black and Indigenous people, the largest internal colonies of the US. Centuries of colonization have led to the conditions which make these populations more vulnerable during a pandemic.
By purposefully ignoring the damage the pandemic is doing, Biden ensures that these people continue to pay the price for American capitalism, furthering their oppression and the fascist culture that upholds it.
Biden not only targets oppressed nations within the US but those in sovereign countries as well. He played a major role in the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq, which has led to countless deaths and disastrous consequences for the people of that region.
His support of the Iraq war is a blatant endorsement of the capitalist-military state, which seeks to expand its hegemony wherever necessary to maintain the flow of resources into the imperial core. His hawkish foreign policy is no different today than it was 20 years ago.
For example, Biden intends to maintain a tough position on China, the latest bogeyman for American imperialism. A Biden presidency is not a push back against fascism, but an entrenchment of western capital and its reorganization into a more competent imperial posture.
New Empire, Same Empire. For more information on US Imperialism please download and read our pamphlet on the subject:
New Emperor***, Same Empire.

Plus here is the pamphlet cover with a description. Apologies for missing that on the previous post.
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