Tomorrow, Missouri's Attorney General will be part of a group at the United States Supreme Court arguing that the Affordable Care Act should be thrown out so that millions of Americans will go without health care coverage.

And he'll do it with our money.

He won't argue that just part of it should be eliminated. He'll state that the entire thing - protections for people with preexisting conditions, Medicaid expansion that covers millions of Americans, and even punishments for fraud - should go.

He'll do that all with our money, and he'll do it without having a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, without Missouri's U.S. Senators having a plan to replace it either.

Instead of going after scam insurance companies, instead of busting monopolies in health care, instead of doing anything that would actually help Missourians, he's doing this.

This is what We the People get when our government is bought by folks who couldn't care less about us.

And this is why we need to take it back.

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