Today I was refused medical care because I am trans. Im not sharing this for sympathies. I am sharing this to spread awareness. because it’s 2020 & the reality is that trans people are still being dismissed& discriminated against even in blue & major cities like LA (where I live)
This is what it’s like to be trans in America and I want you to know so that you will speak up, stand up, and fight for us. We are human too.
Before i went to my appointment I called and asked if the office staff and doctor were trans friendly / see trans patients and they said “yes we are very trans friendly, we’ve gotten rave reviews.”
I explained I’ve been sick for over a month and they refused to treat me.
I found the doctor on @Zocdoc bcuz I need immediate medical ATTN. As a trans FTM human it’s hard to find gynecologists / feel safe in that environment. They said they were very trans friendly when I asked b4 going in. The doctor is @md_tahery.
I want to thank @UCLA med for restoring my faith in drs 2day. I had an affirming convo w them on the phone about all this that went on yesterday and will be seeing an actual trans friendly Dr!!! I could tell when speaking on the phone that they are educated on trans folks. thankU
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