1) News about a 90% effective vaccines is extremely good news

2) cases are still rising and have been rising the last few weeks in most states in a way that is fairly alarming

3) this is not a problem that masks are fixing
It is becoming more and more apparent to me that the "just wear a mask" rhetoric is crashing headlong into the reality that masks alone are not going to stop COVID from spreading
Part of the problem with masks is that they've been used as a political football

Biden said in the debates that wearing masks would save 100K lives.

The media message was "wear a mask and everything goes back to normal"
A lot of people are here telling me "no one said masks were all we needed" and that is just not true

It isn't. Please stop trying to gaslight me on this

No one heard Biden say "we save 100K lives with masks" and thought "well those are probably just lives saved at the margins"
When all is said and done it will be clear (or it should be clear) that masks help (and that's better than nothing) but that putting focus entirely on masks turned catching COVID into a moral issue in which regions with high COVID cases deserved it b/c of their poor masks usage
And, seriously, stop telling me I making this narrative up and that nobody said this

The Washington Post published this bullshit piece of propaganda to promote exactly this idea that masks meant safety from COVID

Stop pretending this never happened
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