2011 - Project Griffin: Half day, 3 coppers from Surrey Constabulary complete with dummy devices, graphic descriptions of bombs and real world.
2015 - Project Griffin: 2hrs in a classroom with a (very good) trainer from Gwent Police. Basically death by powerpoint 1/n
2019 - Action Counters Terrorism: 25 minutes in a video-led presentation available to access on line and print a certificate. As an employer, I have the template certificate in our SCORM system. 2/n
Like so many things in the security trade, the standard of training has steadily declined. Yes, Showsec are sheep-dippers and I've often said that anyone with a wax crayon and a rough idea how to spell their name has a chance of a job, but 3/n
to blame Showsec (or the poorly trained scapegoat lad) for the Manchester bombing is as messed up as blaming the police that were on the ground that night. Yes, they have a lot of crap on their payroll and supervisory career paths depend largely on cliques and bossiness. 4/n
BUT... I defy anyone who needs to be able to employ 100 staff for 4 hours for a gig, paying barely above NMW to be able to get enough solid people on their books. It wouldn't happen. Pay more, price of gigs goes up. Make the shifts longer, price of gigs goes up. 5/n
I hope this tragic loss of life brings about real and meaningful change in my industry. When the Private Security Industry Act 2001 was brought it, it was woefully inadequate. The training required to work in my industry is pathetic. 6/n
The industry is still full of cash in hand cowboys, and kudos to companies like Showsec who try to keep it all on the books. Until there is real change in the industry on multiple fronts, nothing will change - we need to see 7/n
• Business licensing
• Real CPD
• Zero tolerance to UTR/Cash
• Drilled scenarios
• Industry qualifications fit for purpose (including a national supervisory certificate) - This won't happen until the current training companies are given some competition. 8/n
Good training will not stop a determined terror attack, but real-world drilled training, supervisors who take their staff seriously, and getting rid of the fear of being branded 'phobic need to change. It's the only way our industry can do our bit to reduce the threat to life 9/9
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