This is pure idealism. Which is fine IF you exist around other intelligent, wealthy, conscientious people ONLY.

How it manifests in the lives of the underclasses is horrifying.

There is no longer any stigma around out of wedlock children and multiple partners. ....
Divorce is also rampant. Working class people essentially have open sexual lives with no stigma whatsoever. They’re essentially poly without the formal title (because three require such bourgeois sentiments). Except they get pregnant, pick up a disease, bring children into ....
the situation, or have have to get an abortion. You might say birth control is the answer. Birth control is free through planned parenthood. This problem persists.

You can look at the stats around outcomes for kids without dads. Then you can look at the abuse stats around ....
kids who live with non-biological adults. Fucking. Nightmare. Then you can look at the stats of wealthy people who get married, stay married, and have children. They’ve hung around 80% forever while working class and poor have dropped from similar levels to dismal numbers ....
like 30% even worse for minorities.

Why would the rich subject themselves to an oppressive institution? Why? They don’t have to. They don’t have the same consequences as the lower classes. Because it works. It’s the only thing that works especially for raising healthy ....

I think a certain demo has this ‘live and let live’ mentality which is very open and inclusive. It sounds really good on paper and may even work in their lives. When applied to the lower classes it falls to complete disorder and a breakdown of society. ....
So I find myself feeling frustrated with posts like these. And then the accusation is “meanness”. Well, I can’t think of anything more cruel than being a total outlier in many ways and trying to apply those rare and unique values onto people who suffer immensely under them.
Typo in second tweet. I meant: they require no such bourgeoise title.
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