Random thoughts from a Trump voter: take this however you like, I no longer care.
Do I think Trump should concede? Yes
Do I think there was voter fraud? Yes, but let the courts handle it and if Biden cheated we will deal with that.
Am I thoroughly disgusted with the press in this country and their treatment of the President and First Lady? Yes, it was horrific and I am ashamed.
I am not easily offended or insulted but I find posts saying that now the country can heal extremely offensive. Heal from what?
The 4 years of taking verbal abuse from the left? Heal suddenly from all the bullying and insults I and others endured because of our vote? From being labeled as unmentionables, racists, nazis and worse while being lectured and unfriended by supposed friends?
Am I worried we possibly elected a demented old man who hid in a basement and refused to answer questions? - yes.
Am I happy that the woman elected as Vice President slept her way into politics, climbing the ladder on the backs of others?
No, however, many of us got job opportunities because of who we know, not what. Now that she has the job we will see.
Do I hold her forth as an example to my daughter, my nieces, all young women as a wonderful example of women breaking the glass ceiling? Absolutely not.
How about using RBG or ACB as examples for our girls?
Did absolutely anyone ever ask me why I voted for Trump? Nope, just labeled and bullied and eliminated. No discussion.
I wasn’t alone here- 71 million people share these thoughts, so if you remember how you felt 4 years ago, that’s where we are now. Let’s see if we place a label on you, accuse you of ridiculous atrocities, or just resume our lives and hope for the best.
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