Get ready for an exciting quick round of economics research. Each day of this week, I will release a batch of Job Market Videos (JMVs) submitted by Econ students on the market. A JMVs is a 2 min elevator pitch summarizing the candidate's work. Enjoy!! #EconTwitter #JMV2020
1/N Cora ( @coraebennett) @UTKnoxville investigates the effect of in-home capital inputs on academic achievement in primary school using an early childhood literacy program. Access to the program leads to null effects on standardized tests. #JMV2020
Title: It's Dolly's World, We're Just Reading in It: The Effects of an Early Childhood Literacy Program
Name: Cora Bennett
Field: Public and Education
Email: [email protected]
School: University of Tennessee
Advisor(s): Don Bruce
Personal website: 
2/N Marco ( @mcsammon19) @NUEconomics develops a model to analyze how passive ownership affects investors’ incentives to acquire information. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Passive Ownership and Price Informativeness
Name: Marco Sammon
Field: Asset Pricing
Email: [email protected]
School: Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Advisor(s): Dimitris Papanikolaou
Personal website: 
3/N Megan ( @econ_lang) @AreBerkeley improving access to credit and lowering transaction costs for prepaid solar causes bulk buyers to eliminate wasteful consumption, but liquidity constrained consumers increase demand by 88%! #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Consuming solar
Name: Megan Lang
Field: Development and energy/environment
Email: [email protected]
School: UC Berkeley
Advisor(s): Jeremy Magruder
Personal website: 
4/N Stephanie ( @stephaniedcheng) @HarvardEcon finds short-term work reductions for childcare + profession requiring long hours for promotion = 10pp gender gap in academic tenure-track rates. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Careers Versus Children: How Childcare Affects the Academic Tenure-Track Gender Gap
Name: Stephanie Cheng
Field: Labor
Email: [email protected]
School: Harvard University
Advisor(s): Lawrence Katz, Claudia Goldin, Amanda Pallais
5/N Mosab (@mosabi_1188) @uiowa finds that a rival's response to a competition shock depends on 1) the ex-ante level of competition 2) the firm's competitive position within that product market. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Competition Threats and Rival Innovation Responses: Evidence from Breakthrough Therapies
Name: Mosab Hammoudeh
Field: Innovation
Email: [email protected]
School: University of Iowa
Advisor(s): Jon Garfinkel
*Get ready: Day #2 of Job Market Videos (JMVs).*

A JMVs is a 2 min elevator pitch summarizing the candidate's work. Enjoy and share with colleagues looking to hire and with students looking to learn more economics!! #EconTwitter #JMV2020
6/N Melissa ( @MelissaK_Moore) @UVAEcon asks do STI avoidance behaviors affect birth rates? Finds that birth rates increase in response to AIDS risk. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Safer Sex? The Effect of AIDS Risk on Birth Rates
Name: Melissa Spencer
Field: Labor, Health, Applied Econometrics
Email: [email protected]
School: University of Virginia
Advisor(s): Amalia Miller
Personal website: 
7/N Elior ( @EliorCohen10) @UCLAEconomics studies the effect of housing assistance on future homelessness, crime, employment, and health. Finds that housing is beneficial across all outcomes considered. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Housing the Homeless: The Effect of Housing Assistance on Recidivism to Homelessness, Economic, and Social Outcomes
Name: Elior Cohen
Field: Applied Micro
Email: [email protected]
School: UCLA
Advisor(s): Moshe Buchinsky & Dora Costa
8/N Mengli @PennStateEcon studies impacts of nonbank and bank credit supply shocks on consumer durable expenditures by quantifying the contribution of these shocks to the collapse of the U.S. auto sales during the Great Recession. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Consumer Durables and the Distributional Effects of Credit Supply Shocks
Name: Mengli Sha
Field: Macroeconomics, Household Finance
Email: [email protected]
School: Pennsylvania State University
Advisor(s): Russell Cooper, Mark Roberts
9/N Andrei ( @andrei_mntn) @mcgillu find sorting along ability exacerbates educational outcome inequalities mainly through differences in access to good teachers, rather than through peer effects. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: Student Sorting and Academic Performance
Name: Andrei Munteanu
Field: Economics of Education, Labor Economics
Email: [email protected]
School: McGill University
Advisor(s): Fabian Lange
Personal website: 
10/N Tiancheng ( @tchen2020) @DukeEcon studies how info about market trends and competition affects firm decision-making and market outcomes, in a setting where an e-commerce platform collects and provides info to sellers. #JMV2020 #EconTwitter
Title: The Value of Market Intelligence: Evidence from Online Lipstick Sellers
Name: Tiancheng Chen
Field: Empirical industrial organization
Email: [email protected]
School: Duke University
Advisor(s): Allan Collard-Wexler, Daniel Xu
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