Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm's brother who argued in this 2019 essay that his life should end at 75 because life after that age is longer productive and may involve disability, is joining the Biden-Harris COVID-19 Advisory Board https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/
Per @ddale8, this is the advisory board.

Interesting to see how @jaketapper amplified #CripTheVote just this weekend. In my reporting, this essay by Ezekiel Emmanuel has been among the most reviled in the disability community over the past two years. https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1325800445193949184
Biden, as some as you are pointing out, is 77 -- two years past the time Dr. Emanuel believes life is worth living.
As @benyt has been writing abt (& I may address in a forthcoming essay), a challenge around election writing (pre & post) is a sense of proportion. One advisor does not a policy make. There are some great folks coming in on the Biden Harris COVID team.
But Dr. Emauel's position in this essay has been widely rejected in disability communities. So, mere days after Biden shouted out disabled ppl in his speech, it may be as disappointing to many of them to see Emanuel on the team as Rahm would be to lefties. https://twitter.com/tapinedo/status/1325299011855724544
Rereading Dr. Emanuel's essay, it had never before occurred to me how much his point of view has in common with the plot of MIDSOMMAR (tho they end life at 72, not 75)
Date correction - this was written in 2014, not 2019 https://twitter.com/thrasherxy/status/1325880824504389637
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