Look. The quality of mercy is twice blessed, yeah? I have no fucking interest whatsoever in "reaching out" to shitsmears that want me and the people I love dead.

Growth is possible. Deprogramming is possible. It's not our problem and it's DEFINITELY not fucking praxis, but if people are willing to admit they were wrong, apologize sincerely, face the consequences and commit to the hard work of future growth, I'm here for that.
I cared very much for someone who hurt me very badly when I discovered he supported Gamergate. It was brutal. I felt *so betrayed*, and I knew our relationship was probably over in that moment. And it was.

But I will admit, I've seen him grow.
I've seen him realize - through the example set by the communities making the things he loves - that he was barking up the wrong tree, and he's committed to being better. Not for my approval, since we're no longer in each other's lives, but because his communities were open-
and showed him why he was wrong, organically. He absolutely could have fallen down the alt-right pipeline, but he didn't. He did the work.

If you do the work, my arms are open. You *have to do the work,* and it isn't my responsibility to get you there, but I can forgive.
I believe healing is possible, and most of those idiots are never going to have the capacity for real self-reflection and growth, but if you do? If you're realizing you just got lost in something wrong, and you want to start doing right?

Prove it. Fucking prove it.
But I'll be here if you do.
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