Owen Jones, 3 February: "Joe Biden has the same political creed as Hillary Clinton, but he's a significantly weaker candidate. She lost against Donald Trump. Making him the Democratic nominee would be an utterly bewildering choice".
Owen Jones, 8 April: "Joe Biden is such a self-evidently woeful embarrassment of a candidate, a joke without a punchline, the most dire prominent example from his wing of the Democrats".
Owen Jones, 31 August: "Biden is a joke...he's barely sentient".
Owen Jones, 5 November "Even if Biden wins, the world will pay the price for the Democrats' failures".
Owen Jones, 9 November: "For a massive chunk of British commentators, hating the left has become not simply a worldview, it's essentially become their personality. Anything that happens in the world, they can't help but see it primarily as a means to pursue a bitter vendetta".
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