“Inglorious Basterds” is a fantastic post-modern film by Tarantino. The subtext is about how Hollywood ritually murders n4zi’s on screen to sustain their (Holy Wood’s) psyop power and humiliate their audiences into submission to the current order. 1/
Let’s start with the Bear J3w. 2/
BJ is fittingly played by Eli Roth fitting bc main BJ scene is played 4laughs about the death of honor (his films often have the same message
He brutally kills a n4zi who refuses to give the Basterds intel. Next n4zi up gives info. Haha ain’t it funny how honor is meaningless? 3/
When the n4zi propaganda film plays for the n4zi faithful the crowd cheers the bloodshed. We, as an audience, are supposed to be disgusted. Then later we, the audience, are conditioned to celebrate the brutal deaths of the bad guys in the same fashion. 4/
The n4zi audience is literally burned to death by film. Metaphor meaning film itself will burn down “pride of a nation” & wypipo. Notice those conspirators setting the fire are a woke approved int3racial couple. 5/
All through the film Brad Pitt is carving sw4stika’s on prisoners he leaves alive. His role itself is the message that the new order psyops will be enforced by violence by anyone who doesn’t internalize them. Our rulers sending southern white guys to force the issue. 6/
This shot breaks the fourth wall, with Pitt and BJ Novak staring at the audience while Pitt carves a sw4stika into the audiences forehead. Message being that the audience are n4zis and they can’t wipe away the shame of “wh1te supr3macy” or whatever. Film has marked them. 7/
Same shot earlier w/o the carving happening with Eli Roth representing film (director/producer)and Novak representing tv (director/writer/producer etc of the office).
Their order of appearance showing that film will start the marking process & psyop but tv will complete it 8/8
Almost forgot. H1tler is killed in the film because history doesn’t matter. Message being that Hollywood writes history. This is what many films are about tbh (back to the future, for instance). The psyop itself decides not just what history means but what even happened. 9/8
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