1/ There's an unusual pattern for voter turnout in Red, Blue & Swing states.

Changes in voter turnout from 2016 to 2020 has been largely attributed to increases in mail-in votes this election.

Interestingly though, Red & Swing states had the greatest increases in voter turnout.
2/ This is odd because Democrats had a much greater preference for mail-in voting compared to Republicans.

One would expect that the Blue states (more Democrats) would see the greatest increases in voter turnout due to increased mail-in voting--their preferred method after all.
3/ Instead, Blue states actually have the smallest increase (4.8%) in voter turnout this election.

On the other hand, Red States had a 6.6% increase in voter turnout and Swing states had the largest increase at 8.1%.
4/ If unprecedented voter turnout this election was largely due to mail-in voting, why did voter turnout in Blue states increase the least despite being Democrats' preferred method?

Lastly, it's odd that mail-in voting "enfranchised" voters in battleground states the most.
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