Happening now: https://twitter.com/stphnfwlr/status/1325834968954712065
Georgia voting stats: 18,407 UOCAVA accepted, 7,786 were not returned.

1,303,709 absentee ballots were returned 126,400 were not.

~7300 provisionals accepted so far, some still remaining.

47 counties have certified their results so far.
Gabe Sterling is currently debunking misinformation about vote counting in Michigan that took hold over the weekend with their Dominion system - which is the same vendor GA uses, as well as misinfo about Georgia’s county counts.

Truly remarkable to watch.
In addition to knocking down social media misinfo about alleged irregularities, Sterling is walking through what the state knows about problems and discrepancies with the election, ranging from Spalding’s poll pad issues to Fulton recanvassing their Friday ballots. https://twitter.com/stphnfwlr/status/1325856268905570304
Now he’s explaining Georgia’s electoral history and how it’s not surprising that Georgia flipped blue for president, excoriates the conspiracy about vote-flipping software and really just delivers a masterclass in not buying the hype about conspiratorial types. https://twitter.com/stphnfwlr/status/1325856268905570304
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