He wouldn't be the first to follow along that path. Eric Goldman was seen as Dad's successor as WH professor-in-residence; @JeffShesol joined Clinton's staff after his book on RFK & LBJ caught the president's eye. https://twitter.com/WakeUp2Politics/status/1325835403195260930
Meacham would also follow an even richer history of former journalists writing for presidents. Raymond Moley wrote for FDR even as he edited the magazine that became Newsweek (which Meacham himself later led). 2/
FDR's call for "bold persistent experimentation" came from a reporter's writing a speech for him in 1932 basically on a dare. 3/
Emmet Hughes helped Eisenhower while still a Time/Life employee. 4/
Ray Price and Pat Buchanan both came from newspaper backgrounds, as editorial writers. 5/
Ford speechwriter Robert Hartmann was at the @latimes for a quarter of a century. 6/
Carter's speechwriters included @JamesFallows , who had spent two years at the Washington Monthly, @RickHertzberg who had worked at the New Yorker, Achsah Nesmith from the @ajc. 7/
Fallows and Hertzberg would of course return to journalism, and other Carter speechwriter alums like @MrWalterShapiro and Chris Matthews would join them. 8/
Tony Dolan, who was on Reagan's speechwriting team for all eight years, won a Pulitzer Prize at the Stamford Advocate; Peggy Noonan came from CBS radio; Mari Maseng-Will had been a reporter in South Carolina 9/
Bush 41 speechwriter Mark Davis had a journalism background; and Tony Snow had a long background as an editorial page writer, including for the @WashTimes 10/
Clinton speechwriter Don Baer dabbled in politics before ending up at @usnews before joining the WH staff as did @glastris; former @washingtonpost & @nytimes writer Carolyn Curiel also wrote for Clinton. 11/
Bush 43 writer @MJGerson was also at @usnews before joining the WH staff and now writes for WashPo; and of course @davidfrum came from the conservative opinion press, including the @wsj opinion page. Matthew Scully worked at The Washington Times before joining 43. 12/
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