1-In this interview with @France24_en, I spoke to @abdelmassive about Trump's legacy in the Middle East & previewed what a Biden administration might do differently (hint: everything). We cover Syria, Saudi Arabia. Iran & the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. https://www.france24.com/en/video/20201107-what-s-can-the-middle-east-expect-under-biden-s-administration
2-To summarize: Trump's legacy is one of dismantlement vs development & transactions over long-term, sustainable regional stability. We saw this in his dismantlement of the Iran deal as a matter of principle rather than modify it on merit + normalization deals disguised as peace.
3-On what a President @JoeBiden would do differently: Put human rights back on the table; re-engage with Syria (support for local allies, support to refugees incl opening America's doors, reinvigorated diplomatic process for political transition)....also...
4-On ISR-PAL, a return to a traditional American broker role vs. perceived advocate for one side of the conflict, centering the dignity and freedom of the Palestinian people while protecting Israel's security in both the short and long-term....
5-On Saudi and Iran: Pushing for an end to mutually destructive antagonism in the region and through proxies in places like Yemen and Lebanon; possible new talks with Iran in a multilateral setting with backing of European allies. Much remains to be seen but....
6-These are my best guesses based partly on covering Middle East issues over nearly 8 years during under Obama. Certainly we can expect to see a return to a more traditional US foreign policy. More emphasis on human rights even if mostly behind closed doors, and also...
7-Remember Biden has two great advantages here: an almost unmatched foreign policy experience going back decades, many pre-existing relationships with actors in the region and the benefit of hindsight/lessons learned from years as Obama's VP...finally...
8-Biden will not & cannot be the answer to all problems when it comes to the US in the Middle East. There are issues & constraints that go back decades & some will never be fixed/undone. US interests will understandably be top priority for a US president. That is reality. So...
9-A Biden administration should be honest about the US role in the region. Strategic communications & messaging should be much more carefully crafted this time. Ppl in region are likely to appreciate the honesty, if not the policies. <END>
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