Copywriting for developers is tricky. I ran ImportPython for approx 2+ years, sending to 18k developers. Featured paid ads from @RedHat @thoughtworks @Microsoft @uber @rollbar @getsentry via @BuySellAds newsletter ad placements. Each ads CTA was a shorturl
Thread on what I learnt
Short ad copies always always invariably got more clicks. Sweet spot is 240 words.
Don’t explain the product sell developer the end result. Will he learn or save time.
Putting a company logo on sponsored ads is harakiri as the mind was conditioned for large developer segment to associate the block of text as ad and skip it
Free digital giveaway are the best way for developer focused saas product companies products to build internal email list. Using Free as the first word in copy title made a difference in clicks then say Get xyz.
Junior developers and Senior developers are completely different segments. Good copy took this into account. Ditto for landing page copy. Having variations and knowing which will work on what audience helps.
Best performing ads were pre AB tested on newsletters with smaller audiences. These copies were tweaked and then retained for a while. Rollbar exhibited this.
You can follow @originalankur.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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