There are two other things I have on my mind today. I share the first one now and the other one later.
Please, FB fans, stop whining about FB3 being postponed to 2022.
Be grateful!
Do you have any idea what cast and crew have to go through to give us that movie?
A movie to which we can look forward to. This pandemic won't be over next year, but I know there are two movies of my favourite franchises waiting for me after all of this is over.
I'm not sure if WB safety measures are as strict as Universal's have been for JW Dominion, but...
JW cast and crew had to undergo testing every few days. Do you know what it feels like when someone puts a giant cotton swab in your nose? My nose still hurts five hours later. JW cast and crew did it so we will have a movie to look forward to.
Looking forward to a movie gives me a sense of what normality was like before this pandemic.
And I'm sure the main four actors and actresses of FB, as well as the rest of the cast and the crew do their best and it's not easy doing what they do during a pandemic.
This pandemic makes everyone's life more complicated. Did you forget that Ali, Dan and Katherine aren't from UK. They didn't see family members and friends for how much time know? There is an ocean between them and their loved ones, but they do it to create a movie for us.
And yes, I know the Johnny Depp situation is a mess. I won't forget what had happened and I don't think it is fair, but we can't change it. I hope a certain Amber gets what she deserves, but it's not my business. If you want to let WB or L'Oréal or...
whoever know about your thoughts on this. Write mails. I have a friend, who spends all her free time with writing mails. If you're angry, express your anger, but don't come up with weird conspiracy theories. And don't expect the rest of the cast to step up for Johnny Depp.
You don't know what happened between them. It could be that he told them to not do it. It's not their fault.
Enough said about it.
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