I stand for the rights of Trans people, LGB, and Women.

I have been called a bootlicker, TERF, Retard, Vile Transphobe, "Boomer"(lol), Token, deceptive creature, and, Pathetic excuse for a human. Simply for believing that trans women are male... /1/
The fact is

Trans-women are male
Trans men are female
The existence of intersex individuals does not validate the idea that people can change sex.

there is nothing wrong with that. We can still be trans and accept reality.

I believe adults should have access to HRT at their discretion, and while I do believe that in many cases SRS should be covered by insurance I do not believe cosmetic surgery (BA, FFS, Laser) should be covered by insurance until its covered for natal females as well.

We (and by extension EVERYONE) should have access to appropriate mental health care and therapists. Nobody should be coerced into another gender identity or sexual orientation EVER.

No male ever belongs in a women's prison. Trans rights do not include access to women's sports or correctional facilities period.

Gender itself, and it's enforced norms are the tools with which sexism operates. I stand for the dismantling of gender, not ignorance of the biological realities that brought about the oppressions of gender in the first place.

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