1. People are underestimating the size of Biden's victory for reasons mentioned in this useful thread: lots of votes left to count in blue states & also historic high turnout. Combined, it looks like a higher share of voters supported Biden than supported Reagan in 1984 https://twitter.com/jtlevy/status/1324408585590329345
2. 2020 election was double sided: a massive popular vote rejection of Trump combined with Dems' losing seats in House & falling short (so far!) in Senate. The two facts are connected: By building broad anti-Trump coalition, Biden undermined downballot Dems.
3. Biden won his landslide by making the national election a referendum against Trump, which meant courting GOP and GOP leaning voters by saying that the problem is Trump, not the GOP. This gave Never Trumpers permission to vote for Biden but also permission to split ticket.
4. One way to think about election is that both Trump & Biden worked to expand participation of Republican voters: Trump by bringing in more WWC (and, although evidence still needs confirming, Latino working class) voters & Biden by encouraging Never Trumpers to vote.
5. Biden's whole argument was Trump was problem & once he's gone Dems & GOP can go back to normal politics. Also that he, Biden, is good for this restoration because he knows how to work with GOP. Given those claims, why wouldn't center-leaning voters split ticket?
6. If you think Trump was an existential threat to American democracy, then Biden's strategy was not only successful but justified. But festering centrist gridlock will itself produce future demagogues. La lutte continue. More: https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/biden-defeat-trump-democrat/
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