Thoughts on the Pfizer vaccine news (from someone enrolled in the trial)

First, there is light at the end of this tunnel. Thus, the "natural" herd immunity plan is unethical. If we can achieve immunity through an effective vaccine, we need to limit deaths now
Second, states must mandate masks, financially support bar/restaurant closures, limit large gatherings this winter. A vaccine is not an excuse to give up on prevention, it makes prevention more vital. We need to keep our healthcare workers safe so they can distribute vaccines 2/x
Third, we need to acknowledge that these vaccines are new and they have moderate short-term side effects. What this means is that the US Government, states and businesses need to offer **paid sick leave** (? 2-4 days) for everyone who gets vaccinated. Why is that? 👇 3/x
Now fortunately, if the effectiveness is >90%, it will be easier to convince folks to take a couple jabs and miss a few days work. Hopefully. Let's look at the data for Pfizer's BNT162b2 candidate at the 30-μg dose level (the one under study) 5/x
In the phase I study, around 70-100% had pain (some severe) at the injection site. And 17% had fever with the first and/or second injection. Up to 75% had fatigue (some severe). Up to 58% had chills. These were all less common in those 65-85yo 6/x
We need to acknowledge these side effects. But since society will benefit (especially if trials prove reduced transmission), society should help cover the costs of recovery from these side effects. We need to have paid sick leave for all who receive vaccine of ~2 days/vaccine 7/x
We can't have people going to work with fever, chills and aches in a pandemic. It could be COVID infection! Thus, hospitals and businesses, supported by the Government, need to schedule sick leave for 1-2 days after the vaccine. This will be complicated, but it must be done. 8/x
Final note, there are hurdles ahead (-80 freezer, 2 shots). But we can overcome them. I'm happy that I contributed in a small way by enrolling in this study. I rolled up my arm when I didn't know if the vaccine might work, I would definitely do it for a 90% effective vaccine. 9/9
Probably should have added this here:
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