People tend to judge Goalkeepers on the saves they make, rarely on the misses they force the strikers to make.

Here is an example of Valdes before his prime (09-14). Look at the speed, the anticipation. By far the best keeper this club has ever had. Top 2 in Spanish history.
And then you have this fella systematically doing this.

And because he’s never held accountable, he has the audacity to ask for a massive renewal after a historic 8-2.

It’s better I don’t talk
So many prime examples and at the biggest stage. Everyone knows Valdes was the hero in Paris but this save was right after Messi scored. If United score here then it’s momentum is back with them.

Again look at the anticipation, speed, power. None of that futsal bullshit
To be a Keeper at Barca you must have the advantage in the 1v1, because the def plays so high. Most important aspect

Notice how Valdes makes himself big & remains on his toes. Best keeper in that aspect at the time (in the world). La Liga winning save by the way.
Now compare with this futsal goalkeeping. Staying deep, staying low, & eventually sticking out a foot. Making sure the striker has time to adjust & place. 0 intimidation.
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