With the (preliminary, press release only) news about the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, I wanted to highlight something that has been worrying me since..let's say Saturday at 11:30 AM ET. There are thousands and thousands of civil servants, federal and state employees, military...
...federal and state contractors, etc., who have been working on one of the biggest public health and logistical challenges of our lifetime for the past 9-10 months. They need government--in particular the administration--to WORK right now, in order to get vaccines to people.
I'm so worried that the ongoing wrangling, the lawsuits, the uncertainty will further complicate their work. We *cannot* afford that. There is a tiny light at the end of the tunnel, specifically because of the 24-7 work of scientists, public health experts and government.
We need the national infrastructure. We need the remaining vaccine candidates to produce results. We need the FDA to grant EUAs *safely*. We need federal funds to pay for this work. Etc. The people behind this need leadership, they need consistency, and they need support.
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