Appreciation for Frog twitter, conceived of as a celebration but now a role call.

Stand and be counted!

We shall prevail!


@bronzeagemantis the Paladin in the fray. He holds his holy sword aloft, catching the sun just so, and yells: TO ME!

Belasarius. Grizzled veteran called out of retirement by BAP to ready the troops for shock deployment. As an intellectual and soldier, often compared to Ernst Junger

Alchemist, pyromancer. Working on a final concoction to dispatch the enemy in one fell swoop. Many troops think he’s crazy but some among them swear his riddles are complex jokes if you know how to read them

Shaman. Wizard. His prophesies belie a fierce battle with dark things from another realm. Does not wield a sword, yet has the fiercest battle scars in the legion

Provided BAP with his sword
@hyperboriankiwi A huge bear, docile, cuddly, even performs funny tricks when fed; raging maniac when angered. Friendly enough for humans to equip with battle armor, but in the thick of fighting must be avoided at all costs . He leaves a path of devastation sobering to behold

Monk. Most of his time spent in the archives, he brings forth ancient manuscripts within which are hidden secret knowledge and untapped power. Will take up a cudgel when needed, brining woe to the enemy

RW Barista, up before the troops with pots of hot coffee to distribute with reckless abandon. Many consider him the most important man in the legion

Man behind enemy lines, puts himself in danger to bring us our orders and reveal secret plans of the enemy. Has had to lie low several times when the enemy has spotted him, but will fight on until the end

Jongleur, composes wickedly funny songs to entertain the troops after a days battle, properly mocking the enemy. Carries a shiv in his lute case, reports claim he’s been seen on the battlefield dispatching the enemy unawares

Beast Master.
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