Wow. Wow. This brutal article, titled "No more America No. 1", appeared on KBS - South Korea's largest and government-owned TV station. It's jaw-dropping how hard it hits, and how it got on KBS.
Selected translation:

"Is US truly number one? It cannot even manage the presidential election, the nation's greatest event. It summons the police who shoot at citizens, as they might do in Zimbabwe. The president rejects the election results; social trust is at rock bottom."
"The bureaucracy cannot even set the date for mail-in votes, helplessly waiting an edict from the courts. Fake news is everywhere, as illiteracy rate is several multiples of Korea's. ... One-third of its people have no health insurance, perishing to the virus en masse."
"The country cannot manufacture test kits, PPEs, not even simple masks. It had to import ventilators from Russia. ...

The US president blatantly stokes strife and hate. He despises immigrants as the head of the nation of immigrants (and as a husband of a Slovenian immigrant.)
"The president encourages people who threatened the opposition party candidate's bus. The far-right militia, protected by the president, plots to kidnap the governor in the opposition party. We are not talking about Brazil or South Sudan here."
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