The ‘stolen election’ and ‘voter fraud’ narratives were part of a broader GOP strategy seeded from the beginning of the Trump campaign. I think the GOP knew they would lose and this is performative in order to:

1) Push for massive voter suppression laws designed to...
...disenfranchise marginalized voters.
2) Energize their base for mid-terms, Georgia and 2024.

The demographics of the country are not in the GOPs favour. That’s why their electability so often hinges on gerrymandering, carceral disenfranchisement, and voter suppression.
Lindsey Graham says that a Rep President will never be elected again w/o addressing ‘voter fraud.’ And he’s right. But his plan is to roll out voter suppression laws with these made up charges as the reason.

They are not afraid of fraudulent votes. They’re afraid of Black votes
When I first realized what they were doing, I joked I was a conspiracy theorist. But this is what they are doing. It is an intricately planned strategy. And a smart one given where their chess pieces sit. If we laugh at them we wont be doing what needs to be done to stop them.
So, how do you fight back? Donate to any groups that have the capacity and mandate to fight them in the courts on new voter suppression laws. Support voter registration organizations. Call out what they are doing. Organize.
The ballot box is the battleground now. They want to take votes away from black people and other marginalized voters. THIS is the next big fight. This is saber rattling. The GOP is preparing for war. It’s the hill they will die on because if they lose... their party will die.
And it’s also the rallying cry they will use to get their base mobilized in Georgia, for midterms and in 2024. And it will get their people out to vote. A highly mobilized base and suppressing the Dem vote is their only path to victory now in most places. This was planned.
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