1-Americans understandably differ on what’s best for economy, foreign policy, etc. But one serious matter that impacts us largely in the shadows, and has negatively affected us under multiple D and R administrations, is abuse by our intel agencies.
2-This includes well documented abuse against both Ds and Rs, as well as private citizens. The abuses revealed by Snowden were overlooked with distractions about Snowden. The abuses revealed by WikiLeaks were overlooked with distractions about Assange.
3-The govt. defended the agents who committed the forensically-proven intrusions into my computers (and violated many other journalists and Americans). Therefore, the 2016 abuses and alleged crimes, particularly surrounding the election, happened.
4-The unmaskings went uninvestigated and unpunished. The Dept. of Justice declined the criminal referral by Obama IG against Comey. The unmaskings went uninvestigated. The Dept. of Justice ignored multiple criminal referrals from Congress.
5-All of the alleged violators went unpunished prior to 2020. It would be irrational to expect things will not get worse in this sense. This includes growing control over our information, increasing propaganda by intel agencies and powerful interests nearly everywhere we look ...
6-...on the news and online, illegal surveillance of citizens and political figures, and continued improper interference in our election process by intel agencies, and political and corporate interests. (End)
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