favorite layton conspiracies and inconsistencies, a thread:
• its never stated whether or not luke, emmy and flora are/were living with the professor

• angelas maiden name is completely unknown. it isnt until AFTER she married henry that she was given a last name

• no one ACTUALLY knows how old descole is
• the mispronunciation of "azran" between miracle mask and azran legacy

• luke claiming he was born in london in lost future, only to be changed to misthallery in spectres call

• the "famous archaeologist" randall models after is never stated, but fans assume its desmond
• angelas brother is never given a name or is ever talked about again after she brings up his disappearance

• nowhere is it stated in the game that henry was an orphan unless you read one of past hershels journal entries after chapter 6 of miracle mask. this is never discussed
• same for emmy! shes an orphan too, but she never talks about her family or how old she was when bronev took her in

• chelmey and barton dont have last names

• clives last name isnt officially "dove." this was only assumed since he was adopted by constance dove
• its unknown how descole and raymond met, or how long raymond has been serving him. according to the illusory forest, he has a wife and a child, but theyre never mentioned in any of the games
• no one knows where descole lives. hes shown interacting with jakes in his home, but its unclear if its even located in misthallery or elsewhere

• lucille and roland never physically age, and have looked the same for more than 30 years

• the masked gentlemans wings/ability to fly is NEVER debunked unlike his other dark miracles. he just has wings i suppose
oop remembered something else

• the name "jean" in "jean descole" was first stated in eternal diva, and apparently it confused a lot of people, including japanese fans, because why would he introduce himself by only his last name? was "jean" even intended to be his first name?

in both the english and japanese versions of spectres call, descole introduces himself as "i am called... descole" and never mentions the name "jean." its also worth noting that hes never referred to by his first name again until azran legacy, but again, only he-
refers to himself as "jean descole"

...so whats the significance of that name??? did he just tack it on to sound more human or what?
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