The defunding of basic arts education is part of systematic oppression. Take one Art Appreciation course at a community college and you’ll see that you were robbed by the conservative defunding of the Arts.
I remember the NAE trials. The last gasp of McCarthyism, but with the added bonus of a particular brand of 90’s Queerphobia.
I sincerely believe that folks would be less likely to fall for propaganda if art education was a natural part of curriculum.
Being educated in reading imagery opens up history and present culture. The excitement of finding yourself represented. The thrill of connecting with an artist who lived 1,000’s of years ago! The enjoyment of seeing yourself as a part of a 10,000+ human conversation is powerful.
My Twitter handle is a suggestion. Go find a piece of Art (visual, written, musical,performance) that speaks to your soul. Now discover that artist. Research the context of that creation. Think about the time the piece was made. Think about the person who made it. Love an Artist.
You can follow @love_an_artist.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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