Every life lost to suicide, is a tragedy, however this data showing zero increase in suicide figures since lockdown should be reassuring to those who have been concerned regarding the mental health impact of #coronavirus and #lockdown https://twitter.com/proflappleby/status/1325798197739057153
I also hope it will now put an end to some of the irresponsible narrative some have been using around mental health and suicide. There is no tsunami, no cliff edge and no explosion in suicide figures. We are absolutely aware of those who have been impacted by the lockdown
Those with pre existing mental health conditions and front line workers. The #NHS MH services have never closed amd have continued through. The #NHS has put in place a full care package for #NHS workers since the beginning of the first wave.
We will continue to monitor the data and evaluate services, including the introduction of a wellbeing and mental health winter plan which I shall be announcing this week. I’m the meantime.
It is important people keep reaching out for support if they need it. If you’re in crisis, round the clock support is available in your local area. Visit the NHS website to find services near you or visit Every Mind Matters web site
You can follow @NadineDorries.
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