NOW: The @UN_HRC is reviewing the human rights record of the United States.

The Universal Periodic review is a key forum to hold the United States accountable for its human rights abuses.

Watch here! 
Several nations have called out the US for failing to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

The US is one of only a few nations in the world that hasn't ratified this critical mandate for gender equality.
You can hear more about the importance of CEDAW and why the United States has not ratified in an episode of our podcast, That's Ilegal.
We're also hearing from South Africa about the US failure to combat racial discrimination and deliver justice to victims of police brutality.

The US successfully watered down a @UN_HRC resolution on police violence and racism in October.
In addition to the failure on CEDAW, we're also hearing the US called out for both failing to ratify the statute on the @IntlCrimCourt and for its reckless sanctions against the court.

We spoke to former US Ambassador for War Crimes Stephen Rapp about the sanctions. #UPR2020
Austria took direct aim at US violations of human rights through abortion restrictions like the Helms Amendment and the #GlobalGagRule.

Our submission to the #UPR36 committee details the harm of these policies and why they violate international law.
The US has responded to several of these human rights recommendations by bringing up its "Commission on Unalienable Rights."

This commission aims to turn back the clock on decades of human rights progress. It was illegally formed, and we sued to stop it. 
#Canada joined others to bring up the illegality of US abortion restrictions abroad.

We joined more than 90 other organizations to lay out a list of priorities for the next presidential administration that includes #RepealHelms and #NoGlobalGag. #UPR36 
Thank you #Finland for calling out the Trump administration's domestic gag rule, which places enormous restrictions on access to abortion care that primarily affects marginalized communities.

Check out our recent report on this dangerous policy. #UPR36 
During this review, the US has pointed to its "Geneva Declaration," which gathered patriarchal nations with poor human rights records to declare that abortion is not a human right.

They're wrong. And their pointless declaration won't change that. 
We applaud the #Netherlands for its direct call to #RepealHelms!

And Norway just called out the US for its draconian abortion restrictions on foreign aid.

The international community is clear: Abortion is healthcare and a human right. #UPR36
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