On #IqbalDay2020, I want everyone to read the last chapter of Imran Khan's book.
"Today, very few children are familiar with Iqbal.... what he said remainds profoundly relevant to us and to our times"

"This philosophy provides us a comprehensive blueprint for how Muslims should live in accordance with the highest ideals and best practices of Islam"
"Today when Pakistani youth are living in a society in which there is a gaping ethical vacuum, they are in critical need of a deep and comprehensive education based on Iqbal's multi-faceted philosophy"
"The best weapon against fundamentalism is enlightened Islam. Fanatics on both sides of the argument need to be told about Islamic history, how other religions and other point of views were tolerated by Islam in the days when Europe was ruled by bigotry"

"The decay and decline in Islamic intellectual thought according to Iqbal, set in five hundred years ago when the doors to Ijtihad were closed"

"Muslims should use Western knowledge in their reconstruction of their own religious thought"

"Iqbal and other modernist reformist thinkers had been deeply concerned about the reluctance of many Muslims to respond positively to Western Culture, in particular the rigidity of the mullahs whose mindset had been fossilized in medieval times"
"He was also strong in his condemnation of myth-making mullahs who were not equipped to answer the questions of the modern Muslims on contemporary issues"

"Iqbal believed that rather than spurning the discoveries of the modern world as un-islamic, the Muslim world should use the technological and scientific discoveries of the West without subordinating itself to western values and culture"
"The main difference Islamic Sharia has from Western secular society is in the realm of public morality. This protects our family system, one of Pakistan's greatest strengths"

"The dualism(separation of State and Church) does not exist in Islam (secularism). He warned that when a state is governed without moral values that are rooted in religion then naked materialism is likely to replace it"

"To liberal fanatics modernization means westernization and Islam can only impede Pakistan's progress. Lacking a proper understanding of Islam theybsee religion through ther Western eyes and are convinced that it is retrogressive, primitive creed of ancient desert folk"
"For them every solution to Pakistan's problems is imported... Marxism...These people only have to study colonial history of past two centuries to realize that whenever an alien culture was imposed on an indigenous people, it caused mass upheaval..."
"Only in the minds of westernized English-speaking elite, the inheritors of British colonial rule, is there a confusion of identity"

"They quote the lines on freedom of worship of Jinnah... to justify their claim that Pakistan was meant to be secular... Jinnah, however, was simply highlighting the tolerance that exists in Islam towards non-Muslims"
"As the religious scholar Karen Armstrong has pointed out, the Quran is 'almost unique in its positive view of other people and other religious traditions"
"The two greatest butchers of the twentieth century were born Christian, Hitler...and Stalin... It is ridiculous to blame Christianity for their deeds as it is to blame Islam for inhumane behaviour by a Muslim"
"Jinnah said... Islam and its idealism have taught democracy, equality, justice and fairplay to everybody..." 

"At the core of an Islamic state is the principlenof justice. That is why I named my party Tehreek-e-Insaf, Movement for Justice"
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