Dumping a bunch of info and dates to do with transits affecting Trump & Biden. This is a way of observing how the planets work in our lives. There are more effective means of prediction, if you want that. I don't, except for fun.
Trump: Jupiter opp Saturn: 2020 Nov 18
Biden: Jupiter opp Jupiter: 2020 Nov 25
Trump: Jupiter opp Venus: Nov 28
Trump: Mars opp Jupiter: 2020 Dec 2

What else is there, Jupiter-Pluto conjunction on the 12th. 3 days. Jupiter is optimism, ambition, expansion, taking the leap, but it can also mean overreach. Pluto is absolute drive, revolutionary will. So that will come to a head in 3 days.
The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is the current insane power grab/blatantly faked election by the oligarchs. Last one was June 30th, coinciding with the astroturfed BLM riots and CHAZ. Before that, April 4th - the fake smash & grab trillion dollar "stimulus package"
Most will say "wow yeah it means the good guys are finally toppling Trump! Yeah!" but the fact is the transits don't pick favourites. Jupiter-Pluto means "insane revolutionary power grab energy" is in the air right now, no matter who gets it. What a time to be alive
More on these matters and how they can be known will have to wait for THE PUBLICATION of my BOOK
OK I go on. Jupiter-Pluto is not just cynical insane power grab. It's optimism for total revolution. Jupiter is optimistic! The insane oligarchs, the petit bourgeois and the dissidents are happy. Everybody feels things will go their way in the end. But they can only go one way..!
Oligarchs feel - Yes! Finally we have secured control!
Bourgeois feel - Yes! Finally we can be "respectable"!
Dissidents feel - Yes! Finally the oligarchs have overreached and we can burn out the rot and start over!
Burn out the rot = Pluto, Start over + optimism = Jupiter
There is a rebirth (Pluto) of hope & opportunity (Jupiter). There is hope for a rebirth. There is the will to make extraordinary efforts. Everybody feels it - election riggers, people on the ground, everyone. And it peaks in 3 days. Last of the big Pluto transits for some time
Other point: The Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions #1 ("stimulus" scam) & #3 (election rig) occurred with Saturn in Capricorn. The middle one (BLM riots) with Saturn in Aquarius. Cap gives more earthy materialist powergrab, Aquarius gives feel of collective revolution, new order
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