Remember 2016 when Trump baselessly claimed there was fraud in states that didn’t vote for him?
And then how he launched a commission to try to find evidence to back up his claims, and they found nothing?
Remember 2018 when Trump started to worry about races in Florida, Georgia, and Arizona, so he started claiming there was fraud and corruption?
This has always been his play. If Democrats are winning in a race (or might win a race) he thinks Republicans should win, he claims there is fraud. It’s not based on anything at all. Ever. And even when they’ve tried to reverse-engineer proof, they’ve found nothing.
I think that’s been a missing context in coverage about the current refusal to accept the election results. These aren’t people who genuinely believe there’s some sort of fraud going on, they’re just anti-democracy.
Some people in Trump’s orbit may actually believe there’s a way to keep him in power. Many of the Republicans making TV appearances know this is all a scam, and know that it’s advantageous for them to keep their base thinking it was rigged when it wasn’t.
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