A thread on the Luciferian origin of the "Word of Faith" movement.

1. In other to understand the origin of the Word of Faith movement, we will need to go back further than Norman Vincent Pearl (Many credit this man as the father of Positive Thinking).
2. His work inspired an entire generation of Ministers. I remember as a youngster that my Dad who was/is not a Christian had a copy of that best seller "The Power of Positive Thinking". This book is a key building block for the "Word of Faith" movement.
3. This book is found under Self Help category but it supposedly has very pertinent theological premise that you can have whatever U want if U believe. Adherents of this theology believe that U can call forth absolutely anything with your words. If U want it, name & claim it!
4. For anyone who has been around long enough, you should be familiar with this theology. The work of Norman Vincent Peale inspired the likes of Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland including of course many African clerics. Nigerian Bishop David Oyedepo (Nigeria) is one.
5. When you examine the trajectory of the Prosperity Gospel, you will observe that many who became vanguards for that "New Wine" were influenced by the work of Norman Vincent Peale. He essentially codified what would eventually become the "Word of Faith".
6. The celebrated ministry of men like the late Bishop Benson Idahosa; the larger than life image which he had in his lifetime must be understood in context. He too like many who have come after him are students of the American Gospel Extravaganza.
7. When I say American Gospel Extravaganza, I am talking about that notorious proposition that sought to promote the idea that Christians can have it all. Proponents of this theological expression swore to revert the old construct of "Poor like the Church Rat".
8. Once upon a time, Christianity was synonymous to chastity and modesty. I am talking about an era when being a Christian had nothing to do with basking in the Euphoria of materiality.

The "Word of Faith" movement changed that narrative. No longer will the Church be "Poor".
9. I am not a Church historian and so I may get the timelines wrong but it would seem that the "Gospel" underwent a massive reset. Those who pushed the New narrative had supposedly caught a "New Light". I estimate the tipping point to have been at the turn of the 19th century.
10. Suffice to say that the reset in the "Gospel" must be credited to the promoters of the "Word of Faith" movement whose roots travel down to Positive Thinking. However, to refer to Norman Vincent Peale as the father of Positive Thinking is right but not accurate. Let see.
11. There are other equally famous names within the New Thought Movement but Ernest Holmes will be regarded as one of the "Fathers" of the positive thinking movement but even he is not the Father of it.
12. The rabbit hole goes deeper but not too deep for investigation. The name "Phineas Parkhurst Quimby" pops up as the substantive father of New Thought Movement. Amongst others things, this man was a mesmerist. By the way, have a little trivia for you.
Trivia: The etymology of the word mesmerise traces back to a fellow by the name "Franz Mesmer" who theorised and advanced the science of hypnotism. The man F. Mesmer was famous for using his method of advanced hypnotism to heal people.

Hopefully, this is news to you.
13. Norman Vincent Peale and others who wear the crown as Fathers of the New Thought Movement were inspired by the teachings of Quimby Phineas who himself was a Mesmerist. It makes sense that the Word of Faith movement is an expression of mesmerism. Do I need to unpack this?
14. The Wikipedia page on New Thoughts may not be a scholarly reference but makes for an interesting reading. I encourage you to carefully consider it.

15. I have tried to stir clear of mischaracterising anyone of the names I have mentioned and that is not because there aren't muds to throw but that is needless. My objective is to expose the origin of the "Word of Faith" theology & movement.
16. There are New Age philosophies masquerading as Scriptural truth today and it takes spiritual discernment aided by knowledge that comes from diligence to separate the wheat from the tares.
17. Am I saying that material prosperity is a sin? No! I have enough sense to know that even the MessiYAH had rich patrons (Joseph of Arimatheas was a wealthy follower). I believe that it is YAHUAH who gives one power to get wealth.
18. However, I know that the love of money (not money) is the root of all evils and that it will be hard for many who are rich in this world to enter into the Kingdom. These are not my words but utterance from the MessiYAH.
19. At the core of the "Word of Faith" theology are principles that seek to mesmerise (hypnotise) adherents. Many who push this dominion narrative will go as far as saying that being poor is a sin. They say "God wants you rich and prosperous" and quote relevant verses.
20. Am I saying that divine health is farfetched? No! Indeed, the Scriptures asset that YAHUAH wishes above all things that we prosper and be in good health even as our souls prosper. The MessiYAH spent a great deal of His ministry healing people.
21. Shaul (Hellenised as Paul) healed many who were sick but he also bore in his own body a particular infirmity which he prayed to the MessiYAH but was never healed of. He didn't because of this curse the King. He went on abounding in Grace.
22. YAHUAH is not a Genie. He is not an ATM machine. He is a Father and yes healing amongst other things is bread for the children but it is written that we shall not live by bread alone. The life of a person does not consist of the abundance of the things s(H)e has.
23. I am always inspired by the word of that erudite messenger of the King (Shaul of Tarsus) who wrote at the end of his life words that I wish to leave with you:

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