Today is the November Pogroms memorial day in Germany, also known as "Kristallnacht" when in 1938 German Jews were killed, beaten up, humiliated, imprisoned and their homes and businesses looted and destroyed by organised mobs often with eager help from bystanders, neighbours etc
How could that happen? Because it didn't start with these pogroms, it didn't start with trains to extermination camps. It started with scapegoating, othering, removing rights and protections. All dressed up as protecting and defending the germanic race and taking back power.
Little by little Jewish citizens were made 2nd class citizens, being prohbited from certain occupations, being excluded from schools, public office etc., and virtually noone protested. No public outcry. The November Pogroms were an acid test by the Nazis, to see how far they
could go without a public outcry and protests. And the sad truth is, they could go as far as they pleased. While there were people helping and hiding their Jewish neighbours and friends, it was clandestine action. Noone took to the streets. There was no free press, the rule of
law but an empty shell. SS and Gestapo could do as they pleased, torture, maim, kill with impunity. The existing concentration camps were already known to be terrible places. So always remember, it doesn't start with extermination camps.
It starts with othering, with scapegoating, with the majority not sticking up for minorities, with indifference and the fanning end exploitation of irrational fears. And it still works like it did then.
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