Social media for slow learners
Oops, I did it again
I had a long exchange with this peer of the realm about what he saw as my mistake in thinking I could be English
After defending his 2018 "typical Indian" tweet about Varadkar, he apologised and withdrew it, as he had earlier withdrawn the 2017 tweet
You see, all that he had meant to say about the Taoiseach was this ...
It may, on balance, be perhaps better not to inform Kilclooney that Kamala Harris is of mixed Black *and* Indian ethnic heritage, as I am not sure his adjustment of his language to incorporate this development would necessarily move us forward.
Against strong competition in this thread, I think we now have the winning tweet
Against my advice, the Standard have apprised Lord Kilclooney of this fact.
The Peer appears to be trolling for effect and attention. This is how Kamala Harris described her own identity in her book. (If journalists are going to keep contacting him about this nonsense, do perhaps let him know that)
The Lord Speaker has intervened
Kilclooney is likely to heed the call to retract & apologise. (His past approach has been to defend, then retract. Then repeat, defend & retract & so on).

The saga has not enhanced his reputation. It does suggest "cancel culture" still offers much space for repetitive redemption
Here is Kilclooney's latest retraction. He explains that he did not know the name of the Vice-President elect (and must have been unable to think of a way to source that information before sending his tweet). "Most people understood", he writes.
Simon Hoare MP who chairs the NI select committee
A clear statement from UUP leader @SteveAikenUUP about the peer who used to be in his party.
First Minister and DUP leader Arlene Foster would like to see a proper apology to Kamala Harris, regretting both the peer's rudeness and the damage to Northern Ireland's reputation of what has become a small international incident
Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Here is Kilclooney on why Moeen Ali can't be English
Here is Kilclooney (who is not English, but thinks himself an expert on who is English) telling me that I can't be English
My favourite bit was Kilclooney telling me it can not be up to Cyrille Regis or Ian Wright to decide they are English - "it is up to the country". (Of course, the country thinks they are English, but Kilclooney isn't prepared to accept that)
I was then blocked by Kilclooney, but that thread is available here. (Some of our interlocutors seem to have got themselves banned in the meantime)
Thread here: @KarlBrophy played a blinder
Kilclooney's response to Piers Morgan calling him a "racist old dinosaur" for insisting that Moeen Ali isn't English was to say that, if you asked Moeen Ali, he probably wouldn't say he is English. (Of course, he did not ask Moeen Ali about this!)
News for @kilclooneyjohn from Moeen Ali
Serious point
* When he was John Taylor MP (1983-2001), we didnt have strong anti-racism norms across party political spectrum. His Varadkar/Harris Tweets would have been 1990s 'banter'
* The responses today demonstrates cross-party agreement across Northern Irish parties too.
There were pretty weak anti-racism norms against this kind of casual prejudice in political parties through the 1990s: the bar got a bit higher post-2010.

These racist jokes at an Association dinner are a good example of weak norms/weak sanctions
Here in 1988 Taylor appears to be making a rather self-damaging point for a Unionist - in quite a racist way
This seems like trolling. No apology
Kilclooney has had two Indian tenants: this experience enables him to generalise about the reliability of Indians.

(His earlier "Typical Indian" tweet about Leo Varadkar may have been based on a less favourable encounter with somebody else)
An example of inference theory: those who have little or no meaningful inter-ethnic contact might use brief, fleeting contacts with members of an out-group to generate positive or negative stereotypes about the whole group that they are members of.
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